Star Trek Guide

“For the Love of Spock”: A Documentary

With the passing of Hollywood legend Leonard Nimoy on February 27, 2015, a wave of sadness swept across our planet. Well-known for playing beloved Mr. Spock in Star Trek, the half-Vulcan man whose intellectual side often trumped his emotional side, the star-treader will remain forever a star himself, and it goes without saying that he’ll stay in our hearts as long as we live to remember him.

But for some, including Nimoy’s son, Adam Nimoy, remembering on its own does not make the cut. He believes we must remember Nimoy actively and pay him back in the way he served us; to this end, Adam has determinedly launched a kickstarter for the creation of a documentary about his father, Leonard Nimoy. A Spocumentary, if you will.

It’s a project that Nimoy himself supported prior to his passing. Around Thanksgiving of 2014, Nimoy agreed wholeheartedly that now is the ideal time for a Spocumentary to be produced—that is, very near the 50th anniversary of the start of production on the original Star Trek pilot, “The Cage,” and Spock’s first appearance on the show.

On the kickstarter, Adam writes about the project:

“This film was originally conceived as a tribute to Mr. Spock to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of the original series. Now, with Dad’s passing on February 27th, the film will also explore the incredible career and artistry of Leonard Nimoy. But what has become increasingly apparent as I continue to work on this project is that it’s also a personal journey.

Although I had initially intended to take a somewhat detached, objective view of the subject matter, more and more people involved in this film have urged me to interject some of my own perspective on what it was like growing up with Mr. Spock in the house, and how Dad’s new-found celebrity and meteoric career affected my life.”

As with any kickstarter, there are massive and amazing gifts to be received for donating. The financial goal is $600,000. With 25 days left, there’s still $430,000 to be raised. Consider donating what you can, and spread the message likewise.

Vulcans of the world, unite. This Spocumentary has to be completed; and together, we can help our commander live long and prosper, forever.

T. Cooley is a scriptwriting/ production student at university. If there’s a story, visual or textual, you can bet she’ll want to talk about it. So pull up a chair, and let’s dig into those stories we love!
