Star Trek Guide

Kurtzman Talks Busy “Star Trek” TV Future

“Star Trek” on the big screen may be comatose, but its streaming future is very bright indeed.

Between the already aired two seasons of “Star Trek: Discovery,” the upcoming “Star Trek: Picard,” at least one ‘Discovery’ spin-off involving Section 31, numerous short films, a comedy series and two animated series – the franchise could potentially collapse from fatigue again if it’s not careful.

So how does one keep it fresh? Franchise steerer Alex Kurtzman tells Deadline that the key is diversity – make each of the shows wildly different in order to differentiate them and cater to a variety of taste with the ‘Short Treks’ short films likely to test the waters for future series in terms of tone:

So how do you get both the old fans to accept these new shows whilst also drawing in new fans? He admits it’s a tricky balance:

Also asked if he can offer anything about the “Picard” series, currently shooting in Los Angeles, he says having Patrick Stewart in the writers room has been invaluable as he knows Jean-Luc Picard more than anybody. He also says of where Picard is at when we meet him again in the story:

The aim is to reportedly have a “Star Trek” series on CBS All Access at any given point in time in the future.
