Star Trek Guide

Star Trek’s Alex Kurtzman explains his Star Wars influences

Star Trek: Discovery co-creator and Star Trek franchise producer Alex Kurtzman, has explained his Star Wars influences.

The Star Wars films have been hugely influential over the years, inspiring myriad filmmakers to create their own sci-fi projects in honour of their childhood love for a galaxy far, far away.

This even includes those at the head of the current Star Trek franchise with producer Alex Kurtzman, who also co-created Star Trek: Discovery, telling Deadline’s Crew Call podcast: 

“[W]hat I can tell you is that Trek, in general, finds people when they’re about between nine and twelve. It’s never reached younger than that. It’s never tried to. And to me, that’s a hugely missed opportunity, especially because what you’re really trying to do is influence hearts and minds with really positive messages about who we can be as a species and as people and what our future is. So why not start young, you know? And not for a cynical reason. Not because you know, hey, let some more toys. Because if you really want Star Trek to reach people, then you’ve got to start young.

“And this is where I guess the Star Wars influence on me really mattered because as a kid at four years old, I could imagine myself starting up with a twin suns of Tatooine and wondering what my life was. Trek didn’t give me that same thing. It gave me Wesley Crusher, it gave me different characters, but again, those are older characters.”

SEE ALSO: Why Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek is a gift to blockbuster cinema

These are certainly interesting comments from the producer and it will be fascinating to see just where the Star Trek franchise goes under his guidance from here on out.
