Star Trek Guide

This Trailer For Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary Has Us Cheering

“Never give up, never surrender!”

That’s the famous quote from Galaxy Quest‘s show within a show, beloved by the fans within the movie and those who just love the movie. The film follows the crew of a fictional Star Trek-esque show with hordes of adoring fans who get beamed up to an alien ship after a group of aliens think the show is an actual historical document. The ensuing chaos is a loving send-up of Trek, and is widely respected as being one of the best Star Trek movies even though it is not, technically, about Star Trek.

The brains behind Honest Trailers and Screen Junkies have made a documentary about the film, titled Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary. The project looks to be a celebration of the project with interviews with the cast, creatives, and even Star Trek legends like Brent Spiner. Check out the trailer below.

The best part of this is how much it sounds like a celebration of fandom. This is a movie that is a love letter to Star Trek and the fans who made it amazing. While the film starts out gently poking fun at the fandom, it ultimately emerges as a passionate reminder of how amazing fan culture can be. It also is just a celebratory project in general—you can’t write a parody this good without loving the source material. Every beat is perfectly Trek.

While the film details the dramatic production of the film, it’s also clearly a labor of love. Galaxy Quest is the kind of film that does inspire love, because it doesn’t talk down to or mock the audience members who count themselves as a Trekkie/Trekker. While documentaries are supposed to be objective, it’s nice to see a film that so clearly loves their subjects.

The film will be in limited release via Fathom Events on November 26. Until then, by Grabthar’s hammer, we’ll just keep watching the trailer and the original film over and over until we get our hands on this project.

(image: Dreamworks)

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