Star Trek Guide

The Walking Dead star talks about joining Fast & Furious universe

She's been there, done that with The Walking Dead and Star Trek: Discovery, but now Sonequa Martin-Green is floating the idea of joining the Fast & Furious universe.

Sonequa, who played Sasha Williams in TWD, is technically a part of the Fast & Furious series already, with the actress voicing the role of Vienna Cole in the franchise's upcoming video game, Fast & Furious: Crossroads.

A game is not quite the same as a movie, however, and now Sonequa has told Variety that "anything could happen" when it comes to Vienna's involvement in the Fast canon.

Related: The Fast and Furious timeline: Here's how to watch the franchise properly

When asked if her character could one day appear in a movie, the actress remained coy. "Well... you know... I don't know!" she said. "Time will tell! The fans will let everybody know. I mean, anything could happen, I suppose."

Subtly making room for Vienna in one of the many future Fast titles, Martin-Green praised her character's depth. "I see Vienna as very tough, very self-sufficient, very driven, ambitious, but, you know, there's some burdens there as well...

"I love when these strong female characters have vulnerability that is easily shown, and I love seeing people navigating tragedy or guilt."

Of course, Sonequa is currently busy with Star Trek: Discovery season three – with her character Michael Burnham very much front and centre.

Related: Star Trek Discovery season 3: Release date, cast, plot, trailer and everything you need to know

"Discovery has primarily to do with Sonequa's character, as you'll see," one Discovery director said recently. "At the end of season two, we flash-forwarded I think 930 years. Michael Burnham has found a new core, not to mention a new partner in crime.

"So again, there's a big tonal shift on that show, less driven by the pain and guilt of her past and more about the magical reunification of the Discovery crew and wherever she went off to."

Fast & Furious 9 will be released in April 2021.

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