Star Trek Guide

Guillermo del Toro’s ‘Frankenstein’ Monster Was “Hauntingly Beautiful,” Says Doug Jones

Name a more iconic duo than Guillermo del Toro and exciting projects that end up not happening. The Oscar-winner is Hollywood’s King of What Could Have Been, and although I’ll always be bummed about The Haunted Mansion and At the Mountains of Madness, the one that keeps me up at night is Del Toro’s scrapped Frankenstein, which would have starred the filmmaker’s frequent creature-collaborator Doug Jones as the monster. So when I got a chance to sit down with Jones for an episode of “Collider Connected“, I asked the actor what we could’ve expected. The details are not going to help me get over this.

According to Jones, pre-production was ramped up enough around 2009 and 2010 for creature shop Spectral Motion to do a makeup test. What Jones saw was completely different from Boris Karloff‘s iconic creature, something gaunt and skinny based on the illustrations of Swamp Thing co-creator Bernie Wrightson.

Although Jones couldn’t hard-confirm, his best guess at what killed Del Toro’s Frankenstein is, unsurprisingly, Universal’s spectacular failure The Dark Universe.

Check out exactly what Jones had to say in the player above, and be on the lookout for the full hour-long interview later this week. For now, here’s what the actor had to say about the big changes coming to Star Trek: Discovery season 3.
